Boiled meat with white truffle mustard

Boiled meat with white truffle mustard

Fruit mustard is a typical specialty of Lombardy. Our version is made of mixed fruit cut into large pieces and San Miniato white truffle. The union of the fruit sweetness with the white truffle creates a sweet and unique flavour that characterizes the Savitar white truffle mustard. This mustard is perfect to accompany boiled meats, especially beef and chicken, as well as roasts and also cheeses, such as crescenza, taleggio, sweet gorgonzola and Grana Padano. Excellent for meat fillings but also to give a special touch to salad or stewed vegetables. Finally, the desserts: tarts, baked apples and chestnut pudding. Today we propose a gourmet boiled: tender meat boiled in spiced water, to be combined with turnip greens and white truffle mustard: a tasty dish and a rich and nutritious broth.




3 hours of cooking and 15 min of preparation





3 hours of cooking and 15 min of preparation




• 1 Star Anise
• 1/2 Cinnamon Stick
• 3 Carnation Nails
• 10 Coriander Seeds
• 10 Fennel Seeds
• 2 cardamom
• 2 Laurel Leaves
• 10 Pepper Corns
• 2 Carrots, 1 Celery, 1 Onion
• 30 g Parsley
• 500g Turnip Greens
• 1 jar (100g) of White Truffle Mustard
• 20 ml Soy Sauce
• 20 ml White Wine Winegar
• 20 ml Vin santo
• Salt as required
• 700g beef meat in a piece (choose a part adapt fo long humid cooking, such as shoulder)


  1. Peel the carrots and cut them into pieces together with the celery and onion (1) and then put them in a large pot of water (2). Add the parsley. (3).

  1. Add all the spices (star anise, cinnamon, cloves, coriander seeds, fennel seeds, cardamom, laurel leaves, peppercorns) (4) and add salt (5). Finally add the soy sauce, vinegar and vin santo to give your broth an oriental touch (6).

  1. Bring the mixture to boil (7) and, when it boils, add the meat (8). Lower the heat at the minimum and cook for about 3 hours (9).
  1. In the meanwhile clean the turnip greens by removing the leaves from the stem and rinsing them under running water (10). Put a pan on the heat and add a garlic with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil (11) then add the turnip greens and press them well to make them all fit into the pan; after a while the volume will be reduced (12).
  1. Add the salt (13) and cook the turnip greens for about 2-3 minutes, then remove the garlic cloves (14). Drain the turnip greens and transfer them to a bowl, then let them cool for a few minutes (15).
  1. Mince them with the immersion mixer (16). Drain the meat (17) and cut it into cubes (18).
  1. Put the 100g white truffle mustard in a pastry bag (19). Pour a tablespoon of turnip greens cream to decorate the dish (20) and place the meat cubes (21) on it.
  1. Finally fill and decorate the plate by pressing the pastry bag, pointing the nozzle directly onto the surface to be decorated (21).
Mauro Urso

Mauro Urso


Classe ‘88, chef toscano. Ha lavorato nei più noti ristoranti stellati toscani , tra cui l’“Ora d’aria” a Firenze e l’“Osteria del vicario” a Certaldo e l’“Io osteria personale”; la sua curiosità lo spinge a viaggiare e lavorare in varie cucine della Svizzera, dell’Australia e dell’Inghilterra. Il suo spirito curioso ed innovativo porta in cucina piatti ricercati e creativi, un viaggio alla scoperta dei sapori genuini e fantasiosi.